set nocompatible let s:cpo_save=&cpo set cpo&vim map! map! map! map! map! map! map! map! map! map! nmap  o nmap o ProjectOnly nmap \gs :call Utl_showCurUrl() nmap \gc :call Utl_viewResourceMap() vmap \gr "*y:call Utl_goUrlVis('read') vmap \gS "*y:call Utl_goUrlVis('vsplit') vmap \gE "*y:call Utl_goUrlVis('split') vmap \gV "*y:call Utl_goUrlVis('sview') vmap \gu "*y:call Utl_goUrlVis('edit') vmap \ge "*y:call Utl_goUrlVis('edit') vmap \gv "*y:call Utl_goUrlVis('view') nmap \gr :call Utl_goUrl('read') nmap \gS :call Utl_goUrl('vsplit') nmap \gE :call Utl_goUrl('split') nmap \gV :call Utl_goUrl('sview') nmap \gu :call Utl_goUrl('edit') nmap \ge :call Utl_goUrl('edit') nmap \gv :call Utl_goUrl('view') nmap \sv SVNVimDiff nmap \su SVNUpdate nmap \si SVNInfo nmap \ss SVNStatus nmap \sr SVNReview nmap \sq SVNRevert nmap \sl SVNLog nmap \sg SVNGotoOriginal nmap \sd SVNDiff nmap \sc SVNCommit nmap \sG SVNClearAndGotoOriginal nmap \sn SVNAnnotate nmap \sa SVNAdd nmap \cwr CVSWatchRemove nmap \cwf CVSWatchOff nmap \cwn CVSWatchOn nmap \cwa CVSWatchAdd nmap \cwv CVSWatchers nmap \cv CVSVimDiff nmap \cu CVSUpdate nmap \ct CVSUnedit nmap \cs CVSStatus nmap \cr CVSReview nmap \cq CVSRevert nmap \cl CVSLog nmap \cg CVSGotoOriginal nmap \ci CVSEditors nmap \ce CVSEdit nmap \cd CVSDiff nmap \cc CVSCommit nmap \cG CVSClearAndGotoOriginal nmap \cn CVSAnnotate nmap \ca CVSAdd nnoremap SVNCommitDiff :SVNCommitDiff nnoremap SVNVimDiff :SVNVimDiff nnoremap SVNUpdate :SVNUpdate nnoremap SVNUnedit :SVNUnedit nnoremap SVNInfo :SVNInfo nnoremap SVNStatus :SVNStatus nnoremap SVNReview :SVNReview nnoremap SVNRevert :SVNRevert nnoremap SVNLog :SVNLog nnoremap SVNClearAndGotoOriginal :SVNGotoOriginal! 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